CADalyzer 0.7 Update (AutoCAD Command Counter)

AutoCAD Code

This is an update to the Cadalyzer script that I posted a few months ago. It will count the number of commands you have used in AutoCAD; it does this by examining your AutoCAD log files. (You can enable log files in AutoCAD’s options dialogue box.)

Cadalyzer 0.7 on GitHub New features are listed below

You will need Ruby installed (tested on 1.8.6 and up.) You can find the Ruby download here. If you don’t use Ruby but would like to learn to program, I highly recommend it. Ruby is an excellent language for beginners and advanced alike.

The only other thing you will need is to tell the script where to find your log file directory. Open the Cadalyzer.rb file and look for the line path = '/Path/to/log/files/” Replace the/Path/to/log/files/ with your path and run the script.

Happy analyzing!