
Troubleshooting the Azure Standard CDN Rules Engine

A simple method to troubleshoot rules in the Azure Standard CDN...
Azure CDN Code

Excel Row DAO in C#

A sample implementation of an Excel worksheet row data access object....
Excel Code

Inventor Add-ins from the Ground Up

An introduction to Inventor Add-ins....
Inventor Code

A New Site Design Using Hugo

I’ve recently redesigned this blog using a static site generator, Hugo. Hugo is a command-line utility written in the Go programming language that will generate a static web-site (html and css files) from a collection of text files and some pre-defined themes. You can read more about Static Site Generators in this article from 2015. So, why bother? These are a few reasons I’ve made the jump: It’s something new to learn and experiment with....

AutoLISP Layer Snippets

These are some of my frequently used AutoLISP snippets for layer management. I’ve got a heap of these in a lisp file that I autoload into autocad at startup. You can find the entire file here: layer-shortcuts.lsp. If you look through that file, you’ll see that I have a common set of layers (for 2D and general work) that I include in every drawing file. The AutoLisp commands help to speed up my drafting with these common layers....
AutoCAD Code

Mathjax test

A quick test of a new mathjax plugin, also a right-angle trig cheat image....