
Architectural Units in Excel

A quick guide to using architectural measurements in calculations using Excel....
Excel Code

Improved Layer Isolate

An AutoLISP routine to unite the layeriso & layeruniso commands into a single toggle command....
AutoCAD Code

Layer State Switcher

AutoLISP code to toggle between layerstates....
AutoCAD Code

aCAD: Text Override Tool Update

AutoCAD Code

Scratch! v0.8 Released.

AutoCAD Code

Scratch! (An AutoCAD Scratchpad Utility)

Scratch provides a quick & simple way to utilize a temporary scratchpad layer in AutoCAD. Scratch allows you to quickly switch in & out of the scratchpad layer, and throw it away whenever you want, leaving the rest of your AutoCAD drawing untouched. I’ve been using it for transferring geometry building complex shapes (I use the boundary command later to create objects) throwaway dimensions (when estimating & sketching ideas) Download UPDATE: Scratch v0....
AutoCAD Code