CADalyzer (AutoCAD Command Counter)

I’ve been working on a Ruby utility to analyze AutoCAD log files. The goal is to count how many times each command is invoked. The basic functionality is all in place, I’ve plans to add more in-depth analysis and perhaps even turn it into a web based tool. For now, you’ll have to download it and run it in the command line. If you want to run this, you’ll need the Ruby programming language runtime installed on your computer....
AutoCAD Code

Acad - Saving Keystrokes!

(Or: How I Stopped Worring and Learned to Love the Command Alias) If you are an avid AutoCAD user, you know that setting up your command aliases is key. For those interested, I’ve put my customized portion of the acad.pgp file here. For those of you who are not familiar with AutoCAD’s command aliases, you’re in for a treat. Every time you enter “rec” instead of “rectangle,” or “l” instead of “line” you are using a command alias....

AutoCAD LISP routines

I’ve thrown a few of my most frequently used LISP routines on here. You’ll find the files & descriptions here. I will be adding more as I clean them up and determine where I acquired them (so I can give credit where credit is due.) I am also tinkering with the idea of posting my pgp file; while not especially useful, I am always interested to see what shortcuts other people use....
AutoCAD Code

AutoCAD Imperial & Metric Conversions

Yesterday a friend asked me how to convert an AutoCAD drawing from metric to imperial. He needed to dimension in inches and draw imperial sized objects inside a metric drawing. Turns out the Autocad help is not so helpful on this specific subject. Units & Units: So here’s the deal, AutoCAD “thinks” in a drawing units. These drawing units don’t have a real world size. The only relation to real world size they have is the name that we assign to them in the units dialogue box....