Scratch! (An AutoCAD Scratchpad Utility)

AutoCAD Code

Scratch provides a quick & simple way to utilize a temporary scratchpad layer in AutoCAD. Scratch allows you to quickly switch in & out of the scratchpad layer, and throw it away whenever you want, leaving the rest of your AutoCAD drawing untouched.

I’ve been using it for


UPDATE: Scratch v0.8 is now available.

Download Scratch v0.7 now!


Scratch is super simple, there are only two commands (+1 bonus command).

Crosshair Colors

Loading the second file scratchColor.lsp enables the crosshair color switcher.  Whenever you make the scratchpad layer current, the crosshair color will change to magenta.  This provides a constant, unobtrusive reminder when the scratchpad layer is current.

